Sept. 13, 2019
Zappeion, Athens
I-D ProjectART presents Lydia Venieri's Love Tarot ...
April 7, 2019
Tzistarakis Mosque, Monastiraki, Athens
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
The opening is at noon, Sunday 7th April 2019 at the Tzistarakis Mosque, Monastiraki
The Museum of Modern
Greek Culture invites you to the
opening of the exhibition LYDIA VENIERI'S BYRONIC HEROES
May 2, 2018
Anya and Andrew Shiva Gallery, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
The exhibition explores the unique nature of diasporic art by Greek-American
avant-garde artists in the age of globalism. The efforts I am addressing in the exhibition
relate both to the artists’ original and transplanted contexts. ...
April 30, 2018
United Nations, New York
Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations, ''Jazz Democracy'' presented by Dimitri Vassilakis for International Jazz Day
A forum/performance to showcase how jazz has become global and has emb ...
Nov. 30, 2017
John Molloy Gallery
In this new body of work, Lydia Venieri pays tribute to Lord Byron (1788-1825),
the English Romantic poet whose short life was an inspiration to many artists and who personified
the ideal of the Romantic poet. ...