Lydia Venieri

Premiere Rencontre Internationale de Sculpture

June 1, 1994
Centre Culturel Europeen de Delphes, Delphes

The python reappears in Idolatry, a highly theatrical installation by Greek artist Lydia Venieri. Here the snake forms the undulating base of an astrolabe which frames a "magic mirror". Reflecting the ...
Lydia Venieri, Premiere Rencontre Internationale de Sculpture

Manifeste Tellurique I

March 26, 1994
Gallerie d’Athens, Athens

Lydia Venieri, Manifeste Tellurique I

Anima Mundis

March 26, 1993
Banque Franco-Hellenique, Larissa


L' expectation d' un steamboat arrive dans un port et apparait au milieu du brouillard. Et si le port d'Anvers etait double face, le transantlantique imposant appara ...
Lydia Venieri, Anima Mundis

Ermata. Errance du Sacre

March 7, 1992
Galerie Montenay, Paris

Lydia Venieri, Ermata. Errance du Sacre

Spira I. Douze Createurs Grecs

March 1, 1992
Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid

Lydia Venieri, Spira I. Douze Createurs Grecs